Sunday, March 28, 2010

Site Link

I apologize for the lack of a hyperlink, but for some reason blogger refuses to cooperate with me.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Site Map

Game Day! - Tentative

It's fall. It's a Saturday. It's... GAME DAY!

Time to dodge the inebriated frat boys attempting to play cornhole and exchange heated insults with the morons from the opposing team who dared to tailgate on YOUR campus. It's a beautiful thing.

If you're not planning on drinking yourself into a stupor, which is rather silly if the game hasn't even started yet, you and your fellow tailgaters are going to be hungry.

Fear not! Here are some fabulous finger-foods that will leave your other hand free for your natty-lite. Go team!

Tentative "Date Night" Content

Congratulations, you've found someone who likes you well enough to consider you dating material. What better way to woo them than make them an awesome meal?

Italian food is sexy right? Whatever. Just picture the spaghetti scene from "The Lady and the Tramp." Below is a pasta dish, a salad and a dessert that will knock the socks off the object of your affection. Just try and stay away from garlic bread - it's not conducive to possible post-dinner activities.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Tentative Home Page Content

So - you’re in college, you’re broke and you’re HUNGRY.

Unfortunately, your mommy sent you out into the world with no domestic skills. Thus, you are forced to survive on processed, pre-packaged foods that are perfectly preserving your organs – making you an ideal candidate for post-mortem medical experiments.

Put down the Easy-Mac, wave good-bye to Chef Boyardee and for God’s sake throw away those ramen noodles.

Here you will find four complete meals that will cover pretty much all your bases. They’re cheap, easy and most importantly, delicious. I’ve even provided pictures for those who have trouble reading due to all-nighter dry-eye and post-frat party syndrome.

Prepare to eat well, impress that attractive member of the opposite sex and make your mother weep with pride.

Final Project Proposal

My final project, Say “No” to Ramen, will be a Web site that will help college students plan a complete, delicious meal on a budget. The site will have four suggested menus (one per page), based on the viewer’s needs − for instance, one menu could be for a date night and another for a tail-gating party. Each meal page will have recipe links for an entrĂ©e, side-dishes and a dessert. I also plan to have a “Tips and Resources Page,” which will list the original recipe sources and some professional tips.

As the site will be geared toward college students (whom I’m assuming will have little to no cooking experience), the recipes will be simple. Photographs and possibly a how-to video for something such as produce selection will be provided. Each menu will also come with a complete grocery list and the approximate price of each meal. In addition, an alternative version of the recipes will be provided for vegetarians whenever possible.